Cita Sehat Clinic will hold a Beauty and Health Expo on July 27 2024, 09.00-14 WIB. Located on the 2nd floor of Cita Sehat Clinic Jl. Pleret, Trayeman Pleret hamlet.
This agenda is a synergy and collaboration between the clinic and ROYA (Rumah Optik Yogya) and RCSM (Rumah Cantik Sehat Muslimah).
Several service displays will be displayed. Namely simple MCU (tension, checking blood sugar, uric acid and cholesterol), dental and oral health consultations, acupuncture and cupping*, free eye checks and beauty treatments.
Beauty treatments will be packaged in a mini talk show and beauty class by the RCSM team.
Come on, invite your family and friends to ATTEND and get the service FACILITIES. Welcome drinks are provided, lots of interesting door prizes and service vouchers too...
See you...????