#SedulurBudaya all! Let's watch the Bantul Regency Jathilan Festival! Starting from September 21-22, 2024 starting at 12.30-17.30 WIB, located at Kedungbule Field, Trimurti, Srandakan, Bantul.

This event will feature the Best Jathilan Arts from 17 Kapanewon throughout Bantul Regency. Don't miss it, here is the performance schedule for each sub-district

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Banguntapan Sub-district
Jetis Sub-district
Sedayu Sub-district
Imogiri Sub-district
Pleret Sub-district
Bantul Sub-district
Srandakan Sub-district
Pajangan Sub-district
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dlingo Sub-district
Pundong Sub-district
Sewon Sub-district
Sanden Sub-district
Piyungan Sub-district
Kasihan Sub-district
Kretek Sub-district
Bambanglipuro Sub-district
Pandak Sub-district

Come and join the fun!
