Diskominfo - It is already a demand, the people of each ramadhan demand for food is increasing, the demand for food that is increasing we should respond positively, does not mean that fasting Muslim society is excessive (in excess) in terms of food but we have to respond to being enjoying this Ramadhan is being kind enough, to give good food to his right and left neighbors, to children with takjil, by opening together.
This was expressed by the Assistant for Economics and Development of DIY Drs. Trisaktiyana, M.Sc. in monitoring prices of basic necessities with the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) in Bantul Market. Wednesday (5/15).
Furthermore, Trisaktiyana said, from market monitoring, it appears that some food commodities have soared several weeks like garlic, but today the price of garlic in Bantul Market has been sold at a price of Rp. 30,000, - Rp. 35,000 rupiah from the previous Rp. 50,000, so that it is normal again. There is also no scarcity of rice, cooking oil, wheat flour, sugar is also guaranteed because Bantul owns the Madukismo Sugar Factory.
"At a glance, Bantul in terms of food security is well guaranteed, ahead of Eid Al-Fitr, in addition to the food we must be aware of, transportation and energy, related to fuel oil (BBM), must be ensured by Pertamina's coordination," said Trisaktiyana.
Meanwhile the Regent of Bantul Drs. H. Suharsono in his remarks, on behalf of the Regional Government of Bantul Regency, expressed his appreciation and welcome to all TPID of DIY in Bantul Regency. "We see this is a form of TPID of DIY commitment that continues to coordinate intensively in order to guard the achievement of low and stable inflation in DIY, controlled inflation is one of the conditions in achieving stable economic growth, therefore it becomes our shared role and responsibility to "It can maintain and control inflation so there is no decline in people's purchasing power," said the Regent.
The handling of inflation said the Regent, only seeing in the market must be changed and started from the production sector, the TPID may not only discuss prices but did not touch the cause of the price increase, therefore TPID must work from upstream to downstream. "In order to achieve this noble goal of controlling inflation, we must often go to the field so that the prices of basic commodities and other strategic commodities can be controlled so that they can meet the needs and reach of the people," he added.
After the presentation, monitoring the price of beef and other basic commodities in Bantul Market, the TPID of DIY group then continued monitoring in the Kretek area to monitor the availability of onion stock.