Make Services Easier, Bantul Launching DGS Healt

 In this digital era, all services carried out by the government can be accessed via the internet, including health services for the community in Bantul Regency. For that Bantul launching (Digital Government Cervices) DGS Health by the Regent of Bantul represented by tasks executor. Assistant for People's Resources and Welfare Danu Suswaryanta, SH at the Third Floor Main Building, Monday (24/6).

According to the organizing committee report delivered by Kasi. Bantul Communication and Information Agency Application Development Ida Sekarsari, ST, M.Eng said that in this Health DGS program the Communication and Information Agency had the role of responsible for infrastructure and data management in Bantul Regency. "Lounching DGS Health aims to make it easier for people to access health services in Bantul Regency," said Ida Sekar.

Invited at the event included the head of the Community Health Center in Bantul Regency, Bantul Nitizen, the Head of Sub-District and the head of the OPD in the Regency Government. Bantul. According to Danu, the Regent of Bantul appreciated the Regency Information and Communication Agency. Bantul has provided this Health DGS facility. It is hoped that this will facilitate the community to access all things related to the health services needed, so that people will more easily receive the information needed to improve their health status.

Presentation of the paper submitted by Dr. Kusrini, M Kom. from AMIKOM University Yogyakarta. In his presentation Kusrini said that information technology development provides an opportunity to make life better, easier including in the health sector. "The Health Sector DGS of Bantul Regency is designed to be able to integrate information systems in FKTP and FKTL related to the referral system so that it is expected that DGS can speed up the referral process," he said.

Identification of stakeholders, he added, including the Bantul Health Office as the person in charge of health service facilities in Bantul Regency, Puskesmas in Kab. Bantul as a level I health care provider. While the Hospital at Bantul Regency area as an advanced health care provider that is a reference for puskesmas, while the Communication and Information Agency of Bantul Regency is responsible for infrastructure and data management in Bantul Regency.


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