To get to the more advanced regional government, Bantul is preparing to accelerate the implementation of the Bureaucracy Reaformation. For this reason, a Seminar on the Strategy for the Acceleration of Bureaucracy Implementation took place in the 3rd Floor of the Saba Madala Mandala Room, Parasamya Complex, Bantul, Wednesday (8/14).
According to the Bantul Regency Regional Secretary Drs. Helmi Jamharis, MM as the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee reported that at the event there were 124 participants invited including 37 parent OPDs, 40 OPDs and 17 sub-district heads in Bantul Regency.
By holding this seminar, said the Regional Secretary, the out come expected to achieve bureaucratic targets, among others; 1. Clean and accountable bureaucracy, 2. Effective and efficient bureaucracy and 3. Bureaucracy that has quality public services.
While the Bantul Regent's remarks delivered by Deputy Regent H. Abdul Halim Muslih included the committee inviting a resource person Deputy Secretary for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision at the Ministry of PAN RB Indonesia who will deliver a paper entitled 'Strengthening Bureaucratic Reform Strategy in Bantul Regency in Yogyakarta' .
"I hope this seminar can provide new supplements for all of us to work together and move to build our same mindset, because the implementation of bureaucratic reform has not been very encouraging," said Vice Governor Abdul Halim Muslih.
According to him President Jokowi has repeatedly expressed the importance of accelerating the nation's competitiveness, because the Wold Economi Forum (WEF) in the 2018 global competity session stated that Indonesia's competitiveness was ranked 25 out of 140 countries studied, while Russia ranked 45th, Thailand order 38. More surprising to our closest neighboring country Singapore, which ranks 2nd under the USA which always ranks first.
"The ASNs are reform agents who represent the nation's reform agents who are cumulative in our nation's competitiveness," he said.
In bureaucratic reform, there are two components, namely the lever component, Bantul at lefel 60%, which consists of elements of HR management and supervision structuring. While the yield component (40%). The second echelon is responsible for making changes to the 8 area.
On this occasion, the Managing Bureaucratic Reform Commitment Implementation Commitment was signed. District Library and Archives Service Bantul and Head of the Integrated Service Office with witnesses from the Deputy Regent of Bantul, Bantul Regional Secretary and from the PAN RB Ministry.
Resource person Didit Noordiatmoko, AK. MM. from PAN RB Ministry in his presentation said that the implementation of bureaucratic reform in the Bantul Regency Government is not maximal. "What we are improving is on its efforts to carry out bureaucratic reforms that lead to governance in all sectors," Didit explained.
The governance includes three things including, he added, a government that is increasingly clean of corruption, an effective and efficient bureaucracy and a bureaucracy that is increasingly serving, and all 8 changes must be implemented in all DPOs.
Didit explained that in the Bantul Regional Government would implement the 10 OPDs as a sample, especially those that would do a paradigm shift in finance that would result in performance, effectively, efficiently and economically. In the field of supervision, the head of the OPD must know very well about the capabilities and conditions of his subordinates directly, followed by superiors must understand very well the conditions of his subordinates to his staff, even how much debt, how much is the salary. "Because subordinates who hold office money if the financial condition is inferior, it will have an impact on the behavior that is not good or less accountable," he concluded.