The tight competition of craft products in the market has made the Government of Bantul (Pemkab) focus on developing handicraft business. Including bamboo woven handicrafts that are in the middle of the community. Of course, the development of bamboo woven handicraft business will impact on improving people's welfare.
Well, so that bamboo handicrafts in Bantul Regency are increasingly stretched. Bantul Regency Government continues to encourage the community and their crafters to develop and innovate bamboo woven handicraft products. Continuous development is continuously carried out by regional officials so that Bantul has a bamboo woven handicraft icon that is not owned by other regions. Like, the one in Padukuhan Sabdodadi, Bantul.
In this village, there are more than 20 young women and the elderly who have the ability to weave bamboo. Then, bound and fostered in the Bamboo Lestari group. Its activities are able to show its existence as a bamboo handicraft village.
The builder of the Bamboo Lestari crafters group, Samijo, 70, said that the activities carried out by the community were able to maintain the economic stability of the family. They produce Tampah every day, tambir, besek, tebok, fruit container, and others in accordance with their respective expertise.
"Crafts can be used for daily needs," said Samijo, Tuesday (08/27/2019).
The Chairperson of the Sustainable Bamboo Craftsers Group, Sri Khotijah, explained that selling bamboo handicrafts was not a problem. Because, now there are collectors who routinely take the products of the craftsmen.
"For smooth sales because there are collectors who always take it here," explained Khotijah.
Bantul Regional Secretary Drs Helmi Jamharis MM said, the potential of bamboo handicrafts in Sabdodati village is inseparable from the monitoring of the Bantul Regency Government. Thus, the presence of artisans continues to be facilitated in the context of improving human resources and product quality.
"Bantul Regency Government through the KUKMP Office provides business assistance and also communication with DIY to get support," Helmi said.
Given the many requests for bamboo woven crafts and the lack of bamboo base materials. Craftsmen often bring bamboo from other regions such as Kulon Progo and Temanggung.
"The existence of this bamboo woven craft further strengthens the position of the Bantul Regency Government and the DIY region as a center of national standard crafts," explained Helmi. (source: timesindonesia)