Diskominfo - The Ministry of Industry exhibits featured products of the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) of Bantul Regency by attracting the Small and Medium Industries (IKM) at the Industrial Exhibition Plaza, the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/9).
The exhibition which was held for 3 days, 3-6 September 2019 was attended by the Director General of Small, Medium Industry and Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, the Chairperson of DIY Dekranasda or representing, as well as the ranks of OPD leaders in Banten.
The Ministry of Industry in this case the Director General of Small, Medium & Multifarious Industries (IKMA) continues to encourage the growth of small & medium industries in the future so that it can become a source of economics with high selling value. "In its development the results of small and handicraft industries in the District of Bantul have been much in demand by foreign consumers, so that it is natural for the District of Bantul to be a barometer of economic development in Yogyakarta," said Director General of IKMA Gati Wibawaningsih.
A total of 42 booths display a variety of handicrafts, batik and non-batk fashion, wood, metal, silver, matting, leather, accessories, and processed foods in packaging. The Department of Cooperatives, Small, Medium Enterprises, and Industry of Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region noted, until the end of 2016, the existence of micro, small and medium industries in the area was able to absorb 95,164 workers. "From a total of 21,567 small micro industries in Bantul, they can absorb as many as 95,164 workers," said the Head of the Office of Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) and Bantul Sulistyanta Industry.
"On this occasion, I also hope that you will continue to research and develop designs by creating craft products and other creative products that are more competitive." Gati added.
While the Chairperson of Dekranasda Kab. Bantul Hj. Erna Kusmawati Suharsono in the organizer's report said that superior products in Kab.Bantul with the highest order included furniture, batik, leather sungging, earthenware, and bamboo handicrafts with different consumers with different levels of domestic and foreign marketing (export) . "In the future, we believe that the existence of superior products in the Regency of Bantul is able to become a pillar of the economy. By making a leap from an economy that previously relied on natural resources and relied on agriculture to become an economy driven by creative industries in the industrial era 4.0 (four point zero). "He said.
The Chairperson of Dekranasda of Bantul Regency hopes with the existence of this event as a form of promotional event, lifting and introducing local products to a wide audience. The featured products of Bantul Regency are increasingly known, and have competitiveness in Indonesia and abroad so that they have great potential in the development of the small & medium industrial sector.