Diskominfo - In order to increase the recognition of the understanding and awareness of the younger generation and the society of the richness of marine resources in DIY, the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of Yogyakarta held the 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival at Pantai Baru Ngentak Poncosari Srandakan Bantul. Sunday (8/9).
According to the Office of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries DIY Ir. Bayu Mukti Sasongko, M.Sc in his report said that the Maritime Culture Festival was an effort to realize the vision of the governor of DIY to welcome the Indian Ocean for the glory of Jogja's human dignity, this time with the theme of the Sea is the nation’s future.
"The 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival will consist of 8 activities involving around 2000 people. The 2019 FBB activities consisted of a fishing boat contest which was participated in by 50 outboard motorboats, a fishing rod competition of 300 people, an exhibition and a bazaar of marine and fishery products consisting of 50 stands, a beach clean which was attended by 600 participants, a marine bicycle participated by the last 300 participants. and the maritime culture seminar was attended by 200 participants, "he explained.
Another objective of the 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival is to explore and foster the love of the younger generation and the society for the diversity of marine resources that lead to efforts to use and explore these resources sustainably, as well as to increase integrated and integrated cooperation between the world of education and the society and local governments in in order to develop the spirit of life, improve the culture of eating fish and the development of fisheries and marine businesses,
The Regent of Bantul Drs. H. Suharsono in his welcome address welcomed the matrimonial Maritime Culture Festival, the presence of Deputy Governor of DIY Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aryo Paku Alam X certainly brought its own meaning, especially in arousing enthusiasm among coastal communities to continue to work hard in improving the standard of living based local resources,
"The activities of fishermen and coastal communities certainly cannot be released with the sea, as a culture that has been passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors, with the holding of the 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival, I am sure the society will increasingly love the sea and its wealth so that it will remain preserved and continue to be preserved and It is beneficial for future generations and can provide employment fields, increase income and from there we will have food security and nutrition," he said.
Besides that, we must also have a commitment to preserve the tradition of the life of coastal communities, so we thank the Regional Government of Yogyakarta for all their initiatives in organizing the 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival, with various activities that elevate and introduce marine wealth to the society, of course in the future we expect to be able to increase the potential of regional income, especially for fishermen and coastal communities who work together with the world of tourism.
Meanwhile the Deputy Governor of DIY Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Aryo Paku Alam X, in his briefing speech, appreciated the convening of the 2019 Maritime Cultural Festival, which clearly became an effort to empower the progress of Yogyakarta through the embodiment of the spirit of "Jogja Menghadap ke Selatan", which can be interpreted as the development of the DIY Culture Festival. focus on developing the welfare of coastal areas, once again from "Among Tani Menuju Dagang Layar" as well as efforts to develop the potential of the oceans we have.
He advised always to preserve our oceans, it is human's duty to beautify the beauty of the world, guarding the earth to become a suitable place to live, in this context, the order of Hamemayu Hayuning Bawana can be reduced to Hamemayu Hayuning Tirta (water) and Hamemayu Hayuning Samudra (sea) ) which can be interpreted that all humans have a collective obligation to maintain the preservation of water and marine resources. "We all have to involve ourselves in collective endeavors so that the water and ocean become human friends, so as not to cause various disasters and dangers," he said.