The Team of the Ministry of Social Affairs of RI Visits Pajangan District related to National Level Achievement TKSK Assessment

The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Social Affairs team visited Pajangan Subdistrict related to the National Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) assessment on Wednesday (9/25).

Present at the event was the Deputy Regent of Bantul H. Abdul Halim Muslih, Head of P3A Social Service District. Bantul, Head of Bantul Bappeda, Head of Welfare District. Bantul, Head of Bantul Communication and Information Agency, Head of Bantul Disdikpora, ranks of Forkopimcam Display, Kapolsek, Danramil Pajangan, and other attendees.

In his speech the Deputy Regent of Bantul said that the target of the 2021 RPJM poverty rate in Bantul Regency was emphasized to 8.5%. The social pillars continue to be carried out and coordinated so that the steps to carry out social control can be focused and achieve the expected targets.

"DIY including Kab. Bantul has become a pillar of culture, with the strength of the spirit of mutual cooperation, the spirit of the Golong Gilig, Greget Nyawiji which is a social resource. The cultural approach in the future will be a mainstay in Bantul Regency to unravel and overcome social problems. It is a pride that villages and sub-villages can overcome social problems with the social system and culture in them, "he said.

While the Assessment Team Dra. Deden Yulia, Msi., In her speech said that Pajangan District is the third location of the top 15 TKSK with Achievement after Temanggung and South Sumatra followed by the fourth location on Sumbawa. The focus is confirming what had been explained by the Chosen TKSK Nur Cholis, S. Sos last August in Jakarta with a pleasant writing.

"This is an extraordinary profile in 2019, and if you want to continue to be developed it can be a model with very coherent writing, simple language, and informative. I agree that culture is a force that must be maintained, "he said.


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