ICF event: JOGJAPANFEST is intended for the people of Jogja and its surroundings to experience Indonesian and Japanese culture as well as commemorate Indonesia-Japan friendship day in September 2022. Jogja and Kyoto also have a long history with the title sister city since 1985. This is the reason for implementing ICF JOGJAPANFEST 2022 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The title of sister city which was pioneered by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Yukio Hayashida, the Governor of Kyoto-Japan at that time was carried out because of the similar historical background between the two cities.
JOGJAPANFEST 2022 will be special because it will be held at Litto Jogja, a Resort and Resto with a Japanese theme located in Gunung Cilik, Dlingo, Bantul Regency. In addition to presenting various Jogja cultures, ICF: JOGJAPANFEST also presents Jogja and Japanese cultures which are very rich in creativity. Bantul – Jogja dances and arts, taiko, coswalk competition, karaoke competition, photo competition, Bon Odori, samurai cabaret, MSME grebeg gunungan parade, DJ performance, UMK bazaar, Japanese street food, and local snacks that can be enjoyed by visitors as well as an introduction to culture from both cities, such as batik, siter, manga class, cooking class, origami, and information on various school scholarships to Japan along with information on working in Japan.
In JOGJAPANFEST 2022, visitors who take part in karaoke competitions, photo competitions and Coswalk competitions have the opportunity to get cash prizes with a total value of tens of millions of rupiah from the Ministry of Youth and Sports. This event lasts for two days, namely Saturday and Sunday from 15.00-20.00 WIB. Because visitors will be limited to 1,000 people/day, visitors are advised to buy tickets online via the link bit.ly/ICFJogjapanfest2022
For more info visit @litto_jogja and @jogjapanfest2022