Deputy Regent of Bantul H. Abdul Halim Muslih opened the One Data Group Discussion Forum (FGD), which took place in the Parangkusumo Room, Rose-In Hotel, Jl.Ringroad Selatan, Sewon, Bantul, Tuesday (30/07).
According to the report of the secretary of the Office of Communication and Informatics of the Regency of Bandung, Dian Mutiara Sri Rahmawati, SH, MM as the Chairperson of the organizer said that invited to the event included the Head of DIY Communication and Information Agency, Head of Statistics in DIY, Head of Bappeda DIY, and Head of OPD concerned in Bantul Regency.
Furthermore, Dian said that in order to realize integrated planning, implementation, evaluation, development control, as well as in obtaining data in an effort to improve data governance as regulated in Presidential Regulation No.39 of 2019, then to add insight there needs to be a discussion forum . The existence of this data rule, aims that the government can collect data in one door that is accurate, current, integrated, and easily accessible.
Available data includes food, energy, infrastructure, maritime, education, health, economy, industry, tourism, until bureaucratic reform. The data generated must also have meta data, fulfill the Data Interoperability rules, and have a reference code or master data. " Indonesian’s One Data is a data management policy of the government to produce accurate, current, integrated and accountable data that is easily accessed and shared between Central Agencies and Regional Agencies through fulfillment Data Standards," Explain Dian Mutiara.
With this background, it is hoped that all participants in this discussion can understand and follow up in accordance with their respective authorities and coordinate with each other. This event was held, said Dian, in the context of preparing for the implementation of Presidential Regulation No.39 of 2019. In the event, Bantul Diskominfo collaborated with Deputy I, Chief of Staff of the Republic of Indonesia and Bappenas as the guest speaker. The moderator at the event was the Head of Diskominfo Kab.Bantul, Ir.Fenty Yusdarini, M.T. and one of the speakers was Robert Teodore Deputy I, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Presidency of the Republic of Indonesia.
While the Deputy Regent of Bantul in his speech hoped that the discussion forum could provide a good change to the administration of government in Bantul Regency, especially in DIY in general. Because currently the challenges of the government are greater with the rapid development of technology. Now the community is easier to see the results of development announced by the government, therefore what we do must be in accordance with what is needed by the community and the government itself.
Planning and implementing development that is right on target and can respond to regional problems is felt to require quality, accurate, relevant, ongoing, updated data sourced from reliable and accountable data. For this reason, I expect all those representing from the OPD in Bantul Regency and from other regions to be pro-active in submitting data that will later be changed into one data that can be accounted for.
Data is very influential in determining the direction of the policy as an evaluation of things that need to be improved. Quality data makes the government more intelligent in making development planning in various sectors. At present we are in demand for evidence-based planning (evidence based planning) because planning is not based on evidence will deviate from the goals and objectives and will also give birth to a variety of duplication, for example such as UKM can be fostered by the Trade Office, the Industry Office, the Manpower Office, Social Service, so that this waste of resources occurs is one of the weaknesses of planning that is not evidence based.
In Bantul District itself we find differences in data from various OPDs, for example the Social Service has data on Unliveable Homes, the Public Works Agency also has data from the Ministry of Public Works, the Social Service has a budget from the APBD. So that in its implementation, there is a budget that cannot be absorbed because of our negligence in validating data. "For this reason, we must make a single data so that decision making can be based on that single and accountable data," said the Deputy Regent of Bantul. In this event, the Deputy Governor added, we ask the speakers from the RI Presidential Staff to be able to convey this single data that we can do from the central to the regional level that can be accepted by all parties. So that we can do synchronization between government institutions and between levels of government well.