Coordination of the Formulation of the Regional SPBE Master Plan

BANTUL, DISKOMINFO - To build synergy in the application of the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) that has legal force in Bantul Regency, a Regional SPBE Master Plan is needed that is used as a guideline for the Regional Government to achieve an integrated SPBE. In an effort to prepare the preparation of the Regional SPBE Master Plan, the Bantul Regency Communication and Information Office held a coordination meeting at Mandhala Saba Pracima, Wednesday (4/9)

This activity invited the Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Bantul Regency and presented speakers from Gamatechno Yogyakarta. The event was opened by the Head of the Communication and Information Office of Bantul Regency, Ir. Fenty Yusdayati, MT. In his remarks, he stated that to implement Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 concerning SPBE, the Bantul Regency Government did not have a Master Plan. "Please support OPD to develop a five-year Master Plan. Bantul going forward like what with our IT. A definite plan, supported by correct data and can be analyzed, "message Fenty.

Meanwhile the Head of the Division of e-Government Administration and Archives, Kawuniningrum ST, M.Cs, explained that a survey by Gamatechno as a partner of the Office of Communication and Information about what had been owned and carried out by OPD related to SPBE services. The application of SPBE has 4 (four) types of services, namely: 1. Government to Government (G2G): e-Office, e-Planning, e-Budgeting, e-Monev. 2. Government to Citizen (G2C): e-Complaints, e-Health, e-Education. 3. Government to Business (G2B): e-Procurement, e-Licensing. 4. Government to Employees (G2E): e-Employment, e-Pension. Those responsible for the SPBE are all OPD leaders. Each OPD is expected to play an active role in informing about the electronic-based services they have and plans for the future.

The speaker from Gamatechno Pradiptya Setyahadi, S, Kom, M.Sc, conveyed the SPBE Vision and Mission 2018-2025. Vision: The realization of integrated and comprehensive SPBE to achieve high-performance bureaucracy and public services. Mission: 1. Strengthening SPBE governance, 2. Developing integrated public services, 3. Building the foundation of ICT, 4. Building competent and innovative human resources. As a first step to integrate applications already owned by OPD, a survey will be carried out to each OPD related to the ICT Unit of Work Unit which includes: HR, Network Infrastructure, ICT Devices, ICT Budget, Regulation and Policy, Constraints and Expectations. The survey was conducted from September 2019 to November 2019 to each OPD.


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