Opening of Kali Gawe Festival "Sinergi Budaya , Semangat Milenial"

Bantul Regent Drs. H. Suharsono officially opened the Gawe Kali Festival with the theme "Sinergi Budaya dan Semangat Milenial". This event took place on 26-29 September 2019 at the Kebon Empring Market Complex, Bintaran Wetan, Srimulyo, Piyungan. Thursday (9/26).

Present at the festival, the Regent of Bantul, the Yogyakarta Specialist Staff for the Economy and Development, the Head of the Serayu Opak Regional Headquarters, the Piyungan District Head and Forkompincam of the Piyungan District, the Village Head of Srimulyo Village and the entire Community of River Care and Tourism Travel.


According to the Head of Operation and Maintenance of the Serayu Opak Regional Center, Sahril, SP. SPDA., On this Kali Gawe segment, community awareness has been raised to jointly protect the river environment through community groups. The role of the river activist community in Indonesia needs to be supported and developed continuously with the concept of networking cooperation and mutual support.

Sahril hopes that this Kali Gawe festival can build good relations between stakeholders so that we all have awareness, positive character and networking. Strong community of river activists from upstream, middle, downstream in order to preserve the river, ".

While in his speech the Regent of Bantul said, the festival of the Kali Gawe was a new potential and opportunity and of course it would have an extraordinary multi effect, especially if we could make this activity an icon for the Kali Gawe so that it would attract tourists.

The Bantul Regent's Office, the Bantul Regency Government welcomed with appreciation to care for the sustainability of the Kali Gawe Festival and in the future the Kali Gawe Festival can continue to be developed so that it becomes an attraction that can have more attraction. Surely this is our shared duty to package it more attractively and requires the support of various parties concerned, including the wider society and the young generation here.

Head of the Kali Gawe Festival Committee, Hidayat Faisal Falah added, the Kali Gawe Festival is the first festival and hopefully for the next year there will be another Kali Gawe 2 festival and can move around, because it carries a place in accordance with tourist destinations on the Gawe river. (Ang).




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